Mana Transformer
1. The power transformer uses the principle of electromagnetic induction to convert the electrical energy generated by the hydro-generator voltage (large current) to higher voltage (small current) and transmit it to the power system, which can greatly reduce the loss of power transmission over long distances, and it is one of the main electrical equipment in the hydropower station.
The low side voltage of the power transformer is the rated voltage output by the hydro-generator, and the high side voltage of the power transformer is the rated voltage connected to the power grid.
2. The classification of power transformers:
A. It is divided into three-phase transformer and single-phase transformer according to the number of phases;
B. It is split into two-winding transformer and three-winding transformer according to the winding points.
Our company can provide various specifications and models of transformers according to customer requirements.
Folasaga oloa
1. Cooling method of oil intrusion power transformer:
(1) Natural oil circulation and natural cooling (oil intrusion self-cooling type);
(2) Natural oil circulation air cooling (oil invading air cooling);
(3) Forced oil circulating water cooling;
(4) Forced oil circulating air cooling;
2. The performance guarantee of power transformer:
(1) Temperature rise: The maximum temperature rise of transformer oil and windings cannot exceed the specified value under normal operating conditions;
(2) Efficiency: The efficiency of the transformer cannot be lower than the specified value when the rated load, rated voltage and rated power factor is operating;
(3) No-load loss: The loss of the transformer cannot exceed the guaranteed value under no-load operation;
(4) Load loss: The loss of the transformer cannot exceed the guaranteed value when the rated load, rated voltage and rated power factor is operating;
(5) Noise: Its noise cannot exceed the specified value when the transformer is running under rated conditions.